Sunday, 22 July 2018

Current Status

So after a couple of shit weeks I have once more dived into doing RPG stuff.

So I had been nagging a mate to run a campaign for ages cause I wanted the chance to be a player in one. Consequently he had just started running one for a bunch of his work mates and a close mate of his. He offered me a spot, which I jumped on. So hopefully I will throw up a few entries about that.

Sadly the Starfinder campaign has gone on hiatus due to time commitment issues by a couple of the party. So in its place I volunteered to run a 5E campaign for a couple of the players who more consistently have the spare time. So for this I decided to run a pre-written campaign for the sake of ease. I have chosen Tomb of Annihilation for this purpose

Starfinder Placeholder

In terms of the work campaign I was running, I have had a couple more sessions (missed a couple of sessions because one or more of the players were sick). I will hopefully post a couple of recaps for this campaign as it progresses further. One issue I am having with it, is deciding what direction I want to take it. Writing some of the background has been fun, but it can be very counter productive to writing a story for the players. Especially when you know a lot of it may never even come into play.

Because I am now running more than one campaign and I have previously bought a Cheesex grid mat, I decided I needed some miniatures. However because I will be travelling with my stuff most of the time, I decided the I would go the easy mode and buy the pathfinder cardboard pawns.

The pawn bestiary box

All the pawns

More to come.

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