Friday, 27 July 2018

Eradine Session One

Aykas is awoken by a sharp kick to the lower ribs. He awakes to find his hands bound, eyes blindfolded and mouth gagged. Underneath and behind him he can feel cold stone though the rags he is wearing.  Through the darkness he can make groans of Cylus, Einarr and Ren as they too are awoken in similar manner.

One by one they are pulled to their feet before pushed forward while being told to "walk". Unable to see they proceed in the direction that they were pushed towards. They take several steps, before finding themselves shoved in a new direction. They continue for several tens of metres before Cylus finds himself stumbling into a set of stairs. They are told to proceed upwards. After reaching the top he continues onwards before walking into what feels like a wooden wall.
Stopping he feels the others bump into him from behind, before hearing the slamming of a door and the sound of a bolt being drawn.

Fumbling around in the dark, the group find themselves locked in a wooden box. After a while it occurs to them that there is nothing stopping them from removing their restraints. Doing so, they confirm that they are indeed trapped in a wooden box with a trickle of light streaming in through a hole in the floor. Slumping down against the walls the group decide wait to see what fate awaits them.

After half an hour the box shudders and the group can feel that the box appears to be moving. Peering down through the hole they can confirm that they appear to be in some sort of carriage. After several hours of movement, the group feel the room tilt as it is loaded onto a ship.

After a week travelling by ship the group, find themselves offloaded who knows where. Unfortunately the monotonous travel did not end there. However during the middle of the fourth night after returning to travelling across the land, the group are awoken to a scream in the night.

Suddenly the door is swung open, with a slender panic stricken human standing outside. The group thinking of escape quickly disembark, and find all their gear has been dragged to the door by the human. As the group quickly attempt to collect their belongings they spot a pair of encroaching goblins and a wolf, as well as a figure being dragged out of the clearing from the opposite side. After a desperate struggle which sees the death of the human who released them, the party take their time to don the rest of their gear as well as bandage their cuts and bruises.

After this brief respite, they attempt to track where the goblins have come from. Following the trail of broken bracken left behind by the dragging on an unconscious man, the party find themselves standing outside the entrance to a cave in a rock outcropping.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Current Status

So after a couple of shit weeks I have once more dived into doing RPG stuff.

So I had been nagging a mate to run a campaign for ages cause I wanted the chance to be a player in one. Consequently he had just started running one for a bunch of his work mates and a close mate of his. He offered me a spot, which I jumped on. So hopefully I will throw up a few entries about that.

Sadly the Starfinder campaign has gone on hiatus due to time commitment issues by a couple of the party. So in its place I volunteered to run a 5E campaign for a couple of the players who more consistently have the spare time. So for this I decided to run a pre-written campaign for the sake of ease. I have chosen Tomb of Annihilation for this purpose

Starfinder Placeholder

In terms of the work campaign I was running, I have had a couple more sessions (missed a couple of sessions because one or more of the players were sick). I will hopefully post a couple of recaps for this campaign as it progresses further. One issue I am having with it, is deciding what direction I want to take it. Writing some of the background has been fun, but it can be very counter productive to writing a story for the players. Especially when you know a lot of it may never even come into play.

Because I am now running more than one campaign and I have previously bought a Cheesex grid mat, I decided I needed some miniatures. However because I will be travelling with my stuff most of the time, I decided the I would go the easy mode and buy the pathfinder cardboard pawns.

The pawn bestiary box

All the pawns

More to come.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Journal Entry 14

Author: Tordark Date: Seventhday, 13 Gozran 317AG Entry: This task is getting weirder and weirder. First biting dogs, then tongue zombies then a ghost and finally an assassin.
We entered a tunnel in the asteroid, within which we found all the monsters you expect in a horror movie. However one thing that was different to those horror movies is apparently ghosts are susceptible to punching them in the face.
We also ran into a hired assassin, who shot Violet! We managed to subdue her, however the others won't let me dispose of her or take her belongings.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Journal Entry 13

Author: Tordark Date: Firstday, 14 Gozran 317AG Entry: Finally a moments breather! We boarded the quarantined ship, and then attacked by these shiny space dogs. They were everywhere! On the place side, I'm told that the dog eggs are made from a valuable material. Somehow Kras made a new friend with a stowaway goblin, it's a thieving little shit.

We are to spacewalk to the asteroid behind the ship to look for more clues.