Monday, 18 June 2018

Journal Entry 12

Author: Tordark Date: Firstday, 14 Gozran 317AG Entry: So the ambassador seems to also be caught up in that legal case, and now he has paid us to also get involved. He wants us to pick up a suspicious package for him that aboard the quarantined ship. He has rented us a really fancy shuttle, I mean really fancy, and has got some tech gurus to get us a recording drone. I wonder if we can salvage a shuttle/ship like this…

Saturday, 9 June 2018

World building and Villains

So I am back on the world building bandwagon and I have to say it is one of the most disappointing facets of 5E. Unlike DnD 3.5, 5E severely lacks the scope of source books devoted towards world building. This had resulted in me falling back on reading some 3.5 books. However sourcing the physical copies of 3.5 books is next to impossible.
A group of books i would like to find physical copies of are Gary Gygax's world building books. He had a great one on just naming things. 
The final book that I have heavily relied on is a book about generating a magical medieval society. It explains how to calculate populations, design urban communities and even the layout of cities.

So for the campaign I just started for the fellow graduates at work, I have thrown together the region where the campaign will take place. I have used the above resources to populate the region and calculated the number and sizes of the cities and towns, the number of nobles and gentry, and a general outline for the first small town the players will gravitate towards.

The harder task at this stage is to come out with villains and plots for players to interact with. I have a little bit of an idea what I want one of plots to be, however I'm struggling to come up with bad guys I like. I think this is partly cause I want them to have personality. Towards this, I think I will base them off real people I know, but with slight twists to make them suitable for a fantasy setting.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Journal Entry 11

Author: Tordark Date: Firstday, 14 Gozran 317AG Entry: After we'd returned to the Lorespire tower, we collectively received a letter on black paper, so backwards, inviting us to meet with the Eoxian Ambassador. Most of us seemed perplexed however Violet was little frantic due to lack of appropriate outfit for such an occasion. She hoodwinked me into go shopping with her, cause apparently my clothes leave much to be desired. Oops here she comes with what must be the 10th top in a row that she's tried on.

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Journal Entry 10

Author: Tordark Date: Seventhday, 13 Gozran 317AG Entry: We caught up with the other recruit, Kras, before he did anything stupid. We then did something stupid, and assaulted the night club. Half of us took out the guards outside so we can sneak our weapons in while the others disabled the security systems. Haha Ravi, the next bit is the best bit: I made out with Violet and we pushed into a back room under the guise of looking for a quiet spot.
The idiot Vesk Kras, then attempted to choke everyone out with a vile gas grenade of his own making. During the ensuing fight, the Vesk who gunned down Durival showed up and in surprise something inside me clicked and I exploded outwards with a wave of fire.
After dealing with him we proceeded to corner the boss of the Downside Kings. The other started to interrogate her so I took the opportunity to loot their reserves in a storage room. However just as I returned, I witnessed Raia blew the boss's brains out in cold blood.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Starting a New Campaign

So the new graduates at work have been talking about starting a DnD campaign and I drunkenly agreed to be the Dungeon Master. I decided to re-use some of the stuff I had previously written for the other campaign I briefly ran. Hence, I removed some of the stuff I previously posted from my blog so as to not spoil anything.

What I am starting from scratch is the Kingdom the players are starting in. I have started drawing up the map for this Kingdom, so I thought I would post a spoiler.

Facebook Page

So I created a Facebook page to share updates to. It and this look a little bland for now though.